Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Where's My Paragraphs?

Wednesday April 13th. The paragraphs in my last blog were removed automatically as soon as I pressed the 'publish' button. I don't know why this should happen but I will try today to remember to note the end of a paragraph with some dashes and willpress the enter button twice between paragraphs. If someone can give me the answer to this problem, I would be very grateful.----------- For those of you who might be worrying about the safety of sea food, especially crabs, shrimps and oysters, as a result of my last blog concerning Dave Robicheaux, I can reassure you that there doesn't appear to be any danger to health. By a strange coincidence there was an article in the New England Journal of Medicine April 7th. which gave numerous references to the Louisiana Department of Health Websites in an article on the Gulf Oil Spill. From the safety point of view most of the deaths and casualties resulted from the original explosion. The health of the animals living in the oily water is a very different matter, but if shrimp and crab is on sale in restaurants in New Orleans and environs, it is probably quite safe though apparently the taste may not be quite right! The Guardian had an article on the oil spill today so this blog is way ahead of the media--as usual.------------- I have just finished the latest Michael Connelly thriller to appear in paperback called 'The Scarecrow'. I suppose it is quite good because there were a couple of moments when I had to stop reading because it became rather scary and I knew that something unpleasant was about to happen. I felt I needed to be in a different frame of mind to continue. I don't remember anyone eating a proper meal in the space of about a week's action (hamburgers don't count). Connelly's leading men all have a problem with women. There is always a lack of trust beteen the couples and you never get the feeling the relationships are going to last! ---------- War and Peace has arrived. Nearly two thousand pages of small type and no pictures is going to tax my powers of concentration and memory. Stanantel think I should have got it on tape to listen to on my way to and from work but so far the journey has been quite enjoyable and will probably remain so provided I don't have to drive by night. The Brecon beacons look magnificent even on a windy day in rain. The only problem I encountered was that the car heater wouldn't work today and by the time I reached Brecon, the water temperature gauge was at maximum. It has never crossed my mind to check the water in the overflow bottle as I thought it was a closed system that couldn't use up water. How wrong I was! The system was almost completely empty so I poured in about five pints of water and also a couple of pints of oil into the approprate reservoirs and got home without a hitch. I hope there isn't a slow leak in the system which will cause another unexpected panic. I plan to take extra supplies of water in the car from now on. Its been rather embarrassing because I have lectured various children about the importance of proper car maintenance. Thank goodness that a nice lady in a Brecon petrol garage knew what the problem was likely to be and then having proved her point, knew the cure. The car heater was then working normally.----------- It has been very satisfying to have the first crop from the asparagus bed. I like to think that it tastes better than anything one can buy in the shops but actually all asparagus tastes the same to me. The broccoli season will not last much longer but it has been very productive for the past month. After all the effort its nice to discover that it is well worth growing from a financial point of view. The other good crop on the allotment now is rhubarb which is tender and sweet(ish) at this time of year.----------

Yes I think the car has just about had it fatman
Fatman, it is late and your paragraphs although seemingly lost appear very long and very present in my eyes. good skills there. However, these paragraphs will remain unexplored for another day as it is time for bed. Although progress has indeed been made and i have now signed up and am officially a blogger. What will i blog about? maybe i could comment on all the houses that I live in in Brighton as there have been a few and i am slowly making my way through them all? or food as there may be a foodie theme occuring... food of the week > i have mainly been vegetarian because i saw a sheeps skull skinned and covered in blood in the taj deli counter and so i bought tofu instead of chicken... it is quite good in salads. there you go... health related commentness for ya :-)doubt tofu is your thing neither is vergetarianism but at least i am on a food related theme with rambling comments that may spur more comments and entail an interesting debate about vegetables perhaps or tofu (if that is possible) sleepy .... goodnight xx
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