Thursday, November 23, 2006


Wrong number

November 23rd. 08.41
I am hoping that advances in stem cell research will be in time to save my memory. Yes, apologies to Kevandjules about failure to answer the Pink problem that was troubling them and about the F and C joke and about Beige-ing and Damon Runyon. I also forgot that yesterday was weigh day and by the time I remembered all these things it was already today and I went to bed too.
I seem to remember reading a children's story about a little girl and a lovely present. She is asked what she likes and always replies with a particular colour, such as 'green'. 'Green! You can't have green' replies Mr Rabbit, who is the hero of this exciting tale. 'Something green, maybe' replies the little girl. I don't want to spoil the story for you by letting you have the denouement in case you are about to get this book for Christmas, but the point is, you can't just have a colour. So pink is Pink as in 'I'm Not Dead'.
The F and C joke has to be spoken not written or it will lose everything funny and I will relay it to anyone when I speak to them if requested. It is remarkable because it is the first joke told by the Food Police that ever made me - or anyone else- laugh.
Damon Runyon got in a second time by mistake though I make no apolodgies. There are certain rules but I'm likely to change them at a moment's notice. Beige-ing didn't get in to the list for two reasons. It is too weak a pun and I have never been there. The list reflect some sort of impact on my life and Beijinghas made none so far.
Spelling mistakes will creep in from time to time, usually as a result of typing technique rather than ignorance. My memory is at fault for putting the wrong numbers on the last list, so there were two lots of thirty somethings. Today we will therefore start at fifty one:-
51. Casablanca
52. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
53. The Wages of Fear
54. Bugsy Malone
55. Some Like It Hot
56. The Sting
57. The African Queen
58. The Magnificent Seven (yes. yes. I know)
59. Midnight Run
60. Sea of Love
There is always a time difference of about eight hours. I did think this was Standard Eastern Time but it might be further west. I'm hoping to be cloned soon so there will be more blogs from both of me.

dear fat man

your blog is highly entertaining and i am glad that i have been nagged into reading it. Personally i love the Mr Rabbit story. in fact i have a far off memory of a man - not unlike your self but much thinner, less grumpy person- reading it to me as a child. also i am very glad to see bugsy malone on your list. will the blues brothers make an appearance?
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