Sunday, November 19, 2006


Trooping the colours

November 19th.
I was surprised that stanandtel thought I had included a knighted sportsman in my lists. I think they're having nightmares about the prospect of Beckham being knighted. The whole honours system is deeply suspect and rather offensive to those who are equally deserving of recognition but overlooked. Recognition in my lists will one day be considered a far greater honour than a gong. In due course there will definitely be sportsmen but there will be a serious attempt to avoid those that think they are celebrities. A view was also expressed that there was a 'fat' chance that Bob would lose weight with the diet of foods mentioned so far, particularly the rice pudding. I must stress that the whole idea of this diet is that it should be a totally painless way of losing weight and it must not intrude on my social activities.
Today's intake has been a rather healthy sounding mixture of fish and beef stew with a few secret ingredients with some cheese and salami. Unfortunately the weather has been too unpleasant to do anything on the allotment. The sleeper awoke for long enough to have a game of squash but in spite of his youth and general fitness he wasn't tough enough to go to the allotment. He was thirsty enough however during and after Wales victory over Canada on Friday and I was reluctantly drawn into drinking more than was strictly necessary to quench my thirst. Last night the Food Police again forced me to repeat that indiscretion so I'm not too optimistic about major weight loss this week.
Now for those of you who don't like lists I offer:-
21. Blackadder (4th. series)
22. Blondie
23. Brown Eyed Girl (Morrison)
24. Blue Train (Coltrane)
25. Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
26. Greene's 'Entertainments'
27. Clockwork Orange
28. Pink
29. Red Dwarf
30. Whiter Shade of Pale
The leaves that remain on the trees are particularly colourful at the moment but all the leaves from the Japanese Maple have fallen leaving a red carpet on the grass. I shall wait for the rest of the leaves to fall- and for some drier weather- before the boring task of sweeping them all up. So much gardening is just clearing up.

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