Tuesday, November 14, 2006



November 14th. 22.28
How pleased I am to hear from stanandtel. I'm too innocent to have suspected that Cory Edwards might be 'askintoo'. Cory Edwards seems a reasonable chap in his blog and not in any way commercial whereas I can't say the same for askintoo. Why either of them, assuming they are different, should have read my blog is a mystery. Cory doesn't look as though he needs to lose weight and I don't think my blog's title would attract someone trying to make money. For the time being, I will give Cory the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he will return and let us know.
I presume you meant lest not let. If so, its nice to know that others can make typing errors. If not, I apologise. Lest provides one of those contexts that demands the subjunctive, which is a dirty word in this part of the country. I don't think I have ever noticed it being used round here. Nor for that matter do we hear 'lest' except once each year at the festival of remembrance on Nov.11th. I saw tins of spam today, having gone out of my way to search the tinned meat section of Tesco's, but I couldn't bring myself to buy any. I believe that dried eggs are still used told that scrambled eggs in NHS hospitals was made from them. This may not be true but of course if it is, you have to wonder why?
Every day new parcels arrive from all over Britain (and even from Chicago, arriving before the package from Clapham), bringing me my latest order of crime fiction. I'm still struggling with the tiresome Kinsey. She had one meal she described as 'the most sensual I have ever experienced' which consisted of fresh tender bread with a crust of flaky layers, spread with buttery pate, Boston lettuce with a delicate vinaigrette, sand dabs sauteed in butter and served with succulent green grapes. Crikey! She'd have been better off with the spam fritters. She ate the meal with one of the chief suspects with whom she's also sleeping now and again. Not very professional in my opinionand furthermore she should be solving crimes not sleeping and feeding. I plan to finish it as soon as this entry is finished and I wont be returning to her for some time. Incidentally, no Hungarian delicacies have yet appeared. Someone should warn her that even lettuce can be dangerous.
Wednesday is weigh day. Its been too wet for digging and my squash partner sleeps on. I'm battling with the meat mound in the fridge so I don't expect too much weight loss tomorrow.

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