Saturday, November 11, 2006


Rice pudding

November 11th. 10pm
Its quite likely that the Ritz is as good or as bad as any other fish and chip shop/bar but it is equally likely that one's judgement may get a bit clouded by alcohol. Others who may be no more sober feel that Opels is the best though Bristolians favour an un-named Bristol restaurant. Furthermore if the fish and chips has to be doused in vinegar and/or ketchup in order to make it edible.....etc etc. I rest my case. Thank goodness I was sober- practically teetotal to look after you all! I don't recall anyone declining rice pud even when it was slightly overcooked.
The problem with cooking rice puddings is easily overcome if you decide in advance whether you feel that the rice is the reason for cooking it or whether you really dont care as long there is perfect skin! I freely admit that to me the rice is irrelevant and have considered omitting it completely. For kevandjules here is my recipe:-
Sprinkle a few rice grains (slightly less than two dessert spoons) into a Pyrex dish. Sprinkle a bit of sugar over the rice. Pour in about one and a quarter pints of milk and then about half a pint of double cream. Throw in four bits of salted butter (Lurpak) and put on the bottom shelf of the top oven of your Aga without any lid on it for approximately an hour and a half. Peek at it now and again after an hour and a quarter to check that the skin isn't getting overdone and remove when the skin looks just right. Do all this preferably without Mike or tubby Williams in the house as they end up fighting over who has had the biggest helping and who will scrape the bowl. If you don't have an Aga start saving now but not with Farepak.
I find it very odd actually that anyone should want to save with Farepak. Why not just put your money in a post office savings account? Or if they don't trust the post office, in a piggy bank under the bed?
Someone (askinstoo) has made a rather fundamental error in logging on to this blog in the forlorn hope of making some money. Well, thanks for the tip, but this blog wont lead anyone to riches. I just made one of those strange errors in which I wrote Monet, not money. Perhaps there is a clue there after all for askinstoo! Are you any good at forgery? or cookery?

Askinstoo hit my blog too. I've reported it. Death's too good for 'em.
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