Friday, November 24, 2006



November 24th. 12.09
The Blues Bothers might get on a future list. In fact they are rather unlucky not to have been voted on to either the colour list or the films. I'm more surprised that none of the Marx Brothers' films weren't selected. Perhaps the jury will pick them in future.I am sorry to have to report that I cannot allow myself to be influenced by unsolicited plugs from members of the public, nor can I adjudicate on which is the best f and c shop in Britain. I suspect that the method of cooking is much the same in all the shops, but the perfection of the final product depends on the freshness of the fish, the type of fat used and the care given to the duration of cooking the chips and their drainage. The newspaper used for their wrapping ( as Nancy Banks Smith noted a propos of Bluenthal's progamme) is all important and should contain at least one unlikely tale of female gullibility and one story of man's greed or dishonesty. Gardening news just wont do. Ideally the article should be tantalisingly incomplete.
It is obviously not a mere coincidence that both the Guardian and Terry Wogan today both allude to subjects already adequately covered in this blog. Simon Jenkins manages almost a full page article on the Olympics and in fact says more or less what I put in less than a paragraph the other day. Of course he's paid by the word whereas this is strictly amateur and therefore more succinct. Terry Wogan referred to the England team in Australia 'taking their beating like a man'. Clearly both the Guardian staff and Wogan are reading the blog but haven't yet declared that they do so. Remember, you read it here first!
Now what follows is a rather wordy list of my favourite utterings of Sam Goldwyn:-
61. "Gentlemen, include me out."
62. "Our comedies are not to be laughed at"
63. "I read part of it all the way through."
64. "You fail to overlook the crucial point."
65. "Can she sing? She's pracically Florence Nightingale."
66. "They stayed away in droves."
67. "Let's have some new cliches."
68. "It's absolutely impossible, but it has possibilities."
69. "Tell them to stand closer apart."
70. "Gentlemen, listen to me slowly."
There are of course lots of others that might have been included by a different jury. I was approached today by someone who must remain nameless who blatantly suggested she should appear in a list. I'm not sure whether I will have a list for dumb blondes , or possibly natural blondes or even un-natural blondes at some time in the future but I will not accept bribes or favours to get listed. This is a sleaze free zone but I could meet you ( you know who ) by the bike sheds at five.
Owing to a sudden mental aberration- I think I was carried away by the thought of what might happen with all those bicycles, I pressed the 'publish' button by mistake, having forgotten both the title and the main subject, namely my dieat. You might have guessed that nuts would appear. There is no doubt that the roasted, salted pistachios are my favourites though now that I have mastered the roasting times for chestnuts I may have a seasonal break from pistachios. I have been wondering why the hazelnuts have such tough shells and the kitchen has a number of broken shells scattered on the floor as a result of the rather explosive way they suddenly yield to the nut cracker. Talking of nut crackers.....

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