Wednesday, November 15, 2006

November 15th. 21.50
I think you should say more than 'Hi' if you read the blog and were more or less invited to make some some sort of confession or declaration. Of course this doesn't implicate Cory Edwards. The plot thickens. Eggs come from chickens. Which have no legs under 'em. What a conundrum.
I'm obviously cracking up and I don't think I am being helped by the latest piece of Euro Crime that I'm reading, the much lauded 'Fairy Gunmother'. Its a rather disjointed oddity which so far is proving more of a struggle than a pleasure. No food has yet been consumed and I'm beginning to think that it will remain food free. I forgot to weigh myself today but will try to find the right scales tomorrow.
Although I am of course a grumpy old man, I have decided to be more positive and mention in each blog a number of things,( events, places or people) of which I greatly approve or admire. I don't plan to explain why but should anyone dare to disapprove, I am prepared to defend my choice. There will be ten each day. So, in a very random order, I offer:-
1. Trilobite by Richard Fortey
2. Dr. Bronowski
3. Damon Runyon
4. The London Eye
5. The Wages of Fear
6. Trooping the Colour
7. Steve McQueen
8. Another Place (Gormley)
9. Victory (Conrad)
10. The Grand Canyon
On Poppy day the small 'g' in Google was filled in with red poppies. How easy is it for them to do that? Is Poppyday remembered in the USA as it is here? Would the Google logo have looked different on that day in different countries? Perhaps Cory Edwards could tell us what happens in the States.

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