Monday, October 16, 2006
Sleeping partner
You cannot eat roast beef without roast potatoes so I was unable to keep to the no potato plan yesterday. Roasted salted pistachios are also rather moreish so once Fatboy had opened the packet there was no stopping until they were all gone.The digging always gives one a healthy appetite and weight wise may do more harm than good. At least the Fatboy did some Sunday digging which is more than I can say for my so called allotment partner who has yet to raise a fork in anger but is full of promises about starting a bit of serious digging. I expect the weather to provide a good excuse tomorrow but he did visit the site today to marvel at the progress I am making and to meet my Italian allotment neighbour, Lorenzo, my former barber. He told me that now was the right moment to plant Japanese onions and garlic and gave me a supply of tiny onion bulbs to plant. He also gave me some crinkly lettuce and told me that it can be cooked with some garlic and onion which have been cooked in oil, and they are allowed to cook slowly without adding any water. The result should have been better than a chop but frankly I would have preferred a chop. Perhaps I should have cooked it for longer but I can't recommend the way I did it. His grapes, tomatoes and cucumber were lovely.
The prospects for weight loss this week are slim and later this week I expect more visitors. Iron discipline will be required.
The digging at this stage does not in fact provide great exercise. Its really just fiddly removing all the bits of glass in the soil, the couch grass roots, dandelions, docks etc. I don't even break into a light sweat. I suppose it burns up a few calories and its nice to be out of doors but its not exhausting like squash or running. Soon the clocks will go back and there will be less daylight for gardening so I feel I should get as much done as possible in the next couple of weeks . I had hinted that swimming by moonlight or , less romantically, by floodlight would resume soon but I'm putting it off as long as possible. Who needs to be that fit at my age?
You cannot eat roast beef without roast potatoes so I was unable to keep to the no potato plan yesterday. Roasted salted pistachios are also rather moreish so once Fatboy had opened the packet there was no stopping until they were all gone.The digging always gives one a healthy appetite and weight wise may do more harm than good. At least the Fatboy did some Sunday digging which is more than I can say for my so called allotment partner who has yet to raise a fork in anger but is full of promises about starting a bit of serious digging. I expect the weather to provide a good excuse tomorrow but he did visit the site today to marvel at the progress I am making and to meet my Italian allotment neighbour, Lorenzo, my former barber. He told me that now was the right moment to plant Japanese onions and garlic and gave me a supply of tiny onion bulbs to plant. He also gave me some crinkly lettuce and told me that it can be cooked with some garlic and onion which have been cooked in oil, and they are allowed to cook slowly without adding any water. The result should have been better than a chop but frankly I would have preferred a chop. Perhaps I should have cooked it for longer but I can't recommend the way I did it. His grapes, tomatoes and cucumber were lovely.
The prospects for weight loss this week are slim and later this week I expect more visitors. Iron discipline will be required.
The digging at this stage does not in fact provide great exercise. Its really just fiddly removing all the bits of glass in the soil, the couch grass roots, dandelions, docks etc. I don't even break into a light sweat. I suppose it burns up a few calories and its nice to be out of doors but its not exhausting like squash or running. Soon the clocks will go back and there will be less daylight for gardening so I feel I should get as much done as possible in the next couple of weeks . I had hinted that swimming by moonlight or , less romantically, by floodlight would resume soon but I'm putting it off as long as possible. Who needs to be that fit at my age?