Friday, October 13, 2006


Hello sweetie!

October 13th.
Barcelona was not the shoeshine capital as I remember it from yesteryear . I saw only one in the Ramblas but I spent less time there than on previous visits. The tapas bars were amazing and I would pick out the Cerviseria Catalan. The trouble is that everyone else has chosen it as well and its very difficult to get in- either early or late. The food was fantastic and I'm even beginning to get a taste for San Miguel.More practise required.
The only literary food encountered was in Simenon, wild duck on one occasion, cassoulet on another and andouillettes on a third. I think I took the wrong books but at least I finished Humboldt's Gift. It required more stamina and concentration than I am usually prepared to give to any book and I wont be in a hurry to read another Bellow. I had thought that perhaps I should give a bit of time to consider the dietary habits of a few female detectives though there aren,t many of them. Paretski's VI was always on some political or feminist crusade and Stephanie Plum is a bit of a lightweight ( I suspect serious restrictions to maintain her figure). Did Miss Marples ever eat or did she just find bodies in the dining room? Who cares? You're absolutely right; stick to male detectives and indeed male writers.
On my return from Spain I spent three days feasting and entertaining. This reinforces my view that it is very difficult to stick to any dietary plan when other people are around. With only one session of heavy digging and one strenuous game of squash before weigh day, I was not surprised to find my weight had risen slightly, by one kilo actually, but I am now back on the salami, chorizo, pate, salads, cheese, yogurt and beer diet. I have been surprised to find myself still at work after six o'clock on three occasions this week and this is seriously interfering with my allotment's progress and even my time for blogging and reading. Rightly or wrongly, I have agreed to extend my contract by another six months from November so I should be able to afford to eat. I'm less sure than some of you about eating in the diner but have any of you been to Chatanooga or was I on the wrong track?
The 'sweetie ' thing? Well in one clinic I was called 'sir' (respect), 'pathetic' ( with regard some directions I had given) and 'sweetie' (not really sure). All of them women. I think its known as developing rapport.
I hope to continue regular blogging as there is no immediate plan to take another holiday - at least for a month.

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