Monday, September 04, 2006



September 4th.
StanandTel think that I should be doing a bit more suffering but the whole point of the weight loss regime was that there would be no pain or any feeling of deprivation. As it happens so far the weight loss has been as much- or as little - as the suffering. One of the problems has been trying to avoid certain foods when in company. This weekend I have eaten fish and chips with mushy peas for one meal and a roast beef dinner in a pub. One can hardly offend the chef by declining to eat the parts of a meal that are considered integral to it, can one? Futhermore there is something special about Harry Ramsden's fish and chips, well anyway the fish, which makes it a special treat, and it is my view that I should have plenty of treats.
I had meant to post a blog on the first of the month but after playing squash I went straight on to three hours digging on the allotment. I had thought that this was going to be a seriously weight reducing day but it was followed by a weekend of treats and beer. The exercise left me too exhausted to write the blog, so I apologise to all those who now depend on it too remain sane and in touch with reality. There may be hundreds, possibly thousands of you but it may in fact be nobody and I'm talking to myself again. The Blog Monitor thinks it might be possible to find out how many people actually read the blog. How do I do this?
Weather permitting there will be more digging today. Although the plot is very large it should be easy to keep in good condition once it has been cleared and rotivated. I'm planning a serious attack with Weedol at one end while I continue to dig the other end in preparation for the planting of raspberries in October and November. I might put in some strawberries and gooseberries in the autumn with the the hope they will produce a crop next year. I think I'll try to learn Italian if I can put some Italian lessons on my i-pod to learn while digging. There will be plenty of possibilities to practise Italian . It seems rather odd that there don't seem to be any Spaniards about with whom I could practise Spanish. What else needs to be planted in the autumn?
The times on these blogs are rather unreliable. They probably refer to some time zone in the USA . There are at least two time zones in the house; the kitchen is an hour ahead of the hill. Strange how different it feels going from one to the other!

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