Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Strimming not slimming

September 13 th.
Yes it was sheddar, a special sheese for shedding weight. I dont know how these shpelling mistakes creep in but sometimes they can be quite amusing. However, once I have noticed the mistake, I feel duty bound to correct it. Sometimes I get too impatient to bother to correct and read what I have written so there are no corrections. If I were a faster typist I would get less frustrated and would have more time for corrections.
Yes, KevandJules, you are quite right; it would solve the problem with American Football if I had Sky but the problem is that there is so much other tempting sport on Sky that I might never stop watching.
The midnight icecreams are only suitable for people who don't really care very much about the weight loss. The diet I'm on is planned to be full of treats and pleasures, and is not meant to give any sense of deprivation. This probably means that the rate of weight loss is very slow indeed. In some weeks it does not appear to happen at all but half a kilo a month is good enough for me and if it is more, that's a bonus. Today is weigh day and I have to report a half kilo loss!
Now if this were one of those sex blogs advertised in this week's Observer Woman Magazine' strimming would probably be something done in hygienic conditions in private by two consenting adults, but here I am referring to the machine with a motor drive rotating head with a 'blade' of two thick nylon cords which cut through stalks and weeds or grass or scrub. I had planned a session to clear the surface of the allotment prior to digging it but a mechanical failure
which I dont understand meant that it kept stalling so it was not a success today. I'm not sure that it is worth getting it professionally serviced as once this job is done I probably wont use it ever again. For some reason my left Wellington boot keeps ripping at the heel so having spare right boots I now use two rights. (Does that make a wrong?). The left foot doesn't seem to mind.
I'm slightly ashamed at admitting that I do look at any of the Observer 'life style' colour sections. They usually make me shout with rage more than I do at the tele. Who are all these ghastly people- health advisors, chefs, fashion advisors etc.? Why can't they produce a paper without whole sections that the majority of us never even open- or at least most of the people I know never open? What a waste of paper.
I hope you are all paying attention and noticed the belated article on Leonardo Padura in yesterday's Guardian? Regular readers of this blog will note that you heard of him first in this blog. Unfortunately the article was accompanied by a photo that made it look as though he had a serious malformation of the mouth and an even more serious deformity of his right hand.
After almost a full day at work, I dug until dark and though early, I'm tired and am going to bed after a smalll snack- perhaps a yogurt. Choreopsis has set in.

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