Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Midnight snacks

September 12th.
The American Football Season has begun. For some reason there are not many people I know who enjoy this sport, let alone understand it. Unfortunately, although it is a fast and extremely physical game with moments of superlative skill and artistry, it is not shown on terrestrial T.V until the small hours of the morning, whereas during normal working or waking hours one can watch a fun run or a marathon which some Ethiopian or Kenyan will win, or people playing snooker or darts or any number of minority sports that nobody really cares about. Anyway, if I watch American football, it rarely starts before 00.30am or finishes before 3am. Not only is it difficult to stay awake until then after squash and digging but a midnight snack is usually called for. Its not the time of day for a cooked meal so I have started to eat icecream at that time. I am particularly fond of wafers, gradually squishing the two sides together, licking the icecream squeezed out at the edges until the almost soggy wafer is consumed last of all; very moreish.I will be finding out tomorrow what effect this has had on the weight loss.(There is also the minor point that it interferes with work the following day)
I think I need to find an alternative snack that is not carbohydrate, is tasty and satisfying. Vegetable soup or raw carrots might be the answer.Or maybe one of those little tins of sardines or pilchards with a salad. Or maybe I should eat a cooked meal at one am and go to bed in the early evening until the football begins and eat the meal during the game. I am slightly worried that the more I talk about food and the more it is on my mind, the more I actually eat.
The Food Police usually insist on Brain's but were probably brought up on beers from the far east (Ipswich) or north of the river Fuller's. Personally I prefer the south of the river beer, Youngs- just about the right taste of hops and furthermore delivered by horse drawn drays - how classy is that, clip clopping through the London traffic? Sometimes the Food Police suffer from volume overload and are seen drinking whisky after a mere six or seven pints. Still roughly sticking to the plan i.e no bread, potatoes, pasta, rice, biscuits, cakes, pancakes, sugar. Only by very determined eating of sheese, fruit , and meat do I manage to keep my weight up!
P.S Have seen the comment from the Food Police. As I predicted really. Are six brains better than one?

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