Monday, September 18, 2006



September 18th.
There has been a bit of a gap in the entries for a number of reasons but in the interim there has been comment from a new source, BandEric who suggest 'piglit' for the gourmandizing detectives. Much as I like the suggestion, I am slightly worried about the implied insult in calling the detectives 'pigs' which has in my mind alwayys been the term used by large groups of students or strikers already in trouble who want to insult and inflame situations even further. My detectives such as Maigret or Montalbana have become sort of friends that I am very fond of and wouldn't want to insult. So, a clever suggestion but I think we/I will have to keep searching. Furthermore, who is BandEric?
One of the reasons for the delay in making another blog has been fatigue due to excessive digging. I don't think that this has led to a dramatic change in weight but you are just going to have to wait until next week to find out as I will be in Malaga on the seafood, paella,tapas, icecream and alcohol diet. I am taking a few detectives with me so there will be reports of their meals and I may try a few of them myself. Watch this space.

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