Friday, September 08, 2006



September 8th.
Thank you for the advice. I tried to get on to a free easy hit counter but as I expected something cropped up which I couldn't understand and I couldn't proceed. There was a dire warning too that'We will disable any counter used in Email' ,which I didn't understand either. It also sounds rather threatening. What do they mean by 'URL of page' and 'Title of page'? I'm sure I'll get more advice on this but for the time being will remain in ignorance of the number of visitors.
Plans for a rather restrained food and drink intake were scuppered last night by an invitation to have a few beers so ended up eating both before and after the visit to the pub. At least I walked there and back. Cod with cheese melted on top with raw peas, pistachio (or is it pistaccio?) nuts and an apple and later more nuts and a lot of German Salami. Today looks as though it will be a fine day for some strenuous digging after a game of squash so I can look forward to further significant weight loss this week, especially as I'm planning a lot more digging over the weekend.

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