Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Rage at inanimate objects

August 23rd.
I did write a long blog on the 21st but having merely touched the wrong key it disappeared permanently and there was nothing I could do to retrieve it. It was mainly about shouting at the tele which I think is an entirely healthy thing to do and also about my anger and frustation with the garage dealing with a fairly minor fault. After being releived of £307 and still angry about the lost blog, I was too dispirited to do anything sensible and went early to bed.
On Tuesday I swam 36 lengths without goggles and everything then seemed rather hazy for an hour. The fish I ate last night was much less interesting than it should have been at that price though of course the beans were lovely, as were the plums. Today was weigh day - one kilo lost even before a game of squash. Tonight the girl from Ibiza has arrived so there is roast beef , roast parsnips, roast potatoes, runners, strawberries and cream and plums. Will I weaken and have potatoes? Yes.
To get back to rage caused by inanimate objects apart from the rage that lots of people feel when their computers misbehave, I would nominate particularly Clothes hangers that get entangled when you try and hang out the wash, and wires that get entangled for no reason, particularly the wires for the ear pieces of an i-pod or portable CD player. Are queues inanimate because that's another thing that makes me disproportionately upset?
Through a Glass Darkly, Donna Leon's latest fairly short Brunetti story mentions in some detail at least four meals he ate as well as numerous drinks and confections. There is one meal consisting of Fried Artichoke, Pork Ribs and Polenta. What is polenta ?,I wonder. I have read about it many times but have no clear idea what it is or looks like. The Oxford Dictionary says it is maize flour 'as used in Italian cookery' so I'm not much wiser. In another meal Brunetti eats Spaghetti with vongole (which aren't in the dictionary) followed by Grilled rombo(?) and Potate bollite. The first meal in the story is lamb in balsamic vinegar with green beans (in Spring time?) followed by chocolate mousse and cream. He has a meal on his own consisting of lasagne filled with ham slices and artichoke hearts and then goes out for a cake and coffee, poor chap. Its a wonder he can move after all this food but its comforting to think he's human. I cannot imagine how you cook lamb in balsamic vinegar. Does anyone know the recipe?
I know the gastronomic detectives will be saying 'alimentary my dear Watson' but what are they collectively known as? We do of course already have the Food Police but they are really enforcers not detectives and they tell really bad jokes.
After Leon and Jacobson, I move on to Norwegian Wood. Its been recommended so often that I even bought a second copy recently forgetting the I had already had one. Will there be food? Will it be Japanese? You will be the first to hear- unless you know already.

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