Wednesday, August 30, 2006



August 30th.
Yes, rabbit. Wouldn't buy it, shoot it, trap it, wring its neck or cook it but I would possibly eat it with Salvo Montalbana if I went out for a meal with him and I expect it would taste nothing like the rather pale thing that I imagine is the usual way it is prepared in this country- or perhaps not. Anyway, I'd give it a try.
Decided against the lamb last night and was going to have it tonight but instead the lamb must be cooked tomorrow and beef has been the main meal last night and again tonight. Lots of plums, fresh figs and apples are partly responsible for the failure to lose any weight. It does feel as though its very healthy to eat a lot of fruit and I forgive myself as the season is really very short.
There is no interesting food in the Robert Crais story I'm reading (Stalking the Angel).His detective, a private eye called Elvis Cole is too busy trying to be cool, rippling his musles and making witty one liners to be bothered much with food and when he's in a hurry he orders 'pastrami on rye' from a deli. He eats a couple of Japanese meals but its all in the course of work rather than eating for the simple pleasure of eating. Still you know that he will get the villain, usually with major loss of life and blood spillage. He usually gets the girl too.
Good news about the allotment. Quite excited about it and can't wait to get started. The work preparing the ground might lead to some weight loss. It is after all a long way from the kitchen.
Perhaps I'll gain weight and produce some rippling muscles of my own . Watch out you villains! Will I get the gal too?

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