Friday, August 18, 2006


Moral sensibility

August 18th.
I didn't know I had any though I'm not entirely sure what it is. Cheese might have damaged it though I suspect the salami.
Isn't it odd how coincidences occur? Only the other day StanandTel were commenting on Drabble and her sister. Today Byatt gets a mention in the Grauniad championing a potential Booker winner called David Mitchell with comments about 'abundance of narrative structure' etc etc.. The usual drivel that has the immediate effect of putting me off rather than encouraging me to give him a chance and read his book.Drabble was in the same edition of the Graudian in which the lit. critics were given bad press cocerning their original praise for Colin Wilson. Perhaps they should be more cautious in dishing out their praise. I wonder whether the critics give good reviews because they expect the same in return when their own work appears? Or are they all pals together? Or are they simply no good. Unfortunately I do rely on them to some extent to discover writers that I wouldn't read otherwise though one of the ways I find new (to me) authors is by the process I call 'Amazon Buying'. When I order a book from Amazon- my main supplier these days; bookshops are almost redundant as far as I'm concerned- they often advertise a book of the same genre written by another author with the phrase 'people who bought such and such also purchased....' and sometimes I feel I'll give it a try and discover a rich seam.
A different girl turned up, not from Ibiza but from Liverpool, so I took no exercise at all.Today it is raining heavily so I predict I will get the pool to myself. Once I get there it isn't so bad though still rather boring. Its the thought of it from here, a nice warm room with a novel invitingly close that isn't so attractive. Perhaps I'll play squash instead- or even do both. I'm sure you will want to know. Don't worry, you will be told.

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