Monday, August 14, 2006



August 14th.
I am not sure if StanandTel are/is really worried about the cheese consumption,but I'd like to reassure you that when my target weight is achieved I will be cutting back on the cheese and protein and re-introducing more carbohydrates.
I took no formal exercise on the 11th. but on the 12th. swam 28 lengths using a pair of loaned goggles which hurt my nose! I had found that after my previous swims my vision was a bit blurred for about an hour. I will puchase my own goggles when I get the chance. The swim certainly made me feel hungry and, like all sport, I feel good afterwards. There is also more than just a hint of feeling righteous. I wont go into details of the diet over the weekend but it included four of those jumbo sausages that are used for hot dogs, though of course I ate them without the bread rolls; with a couple of fried eggs actually.
A large portion of freshly picked runners with every main meal and lots of salad and beef and some rather interesting Italin Salami. When I have finished this report I shall be off to swim thirty lengths and do some gardening to finish some hedge cutting that was started yesterday.
I realise that there has been comment that there should be more snippets about my life. I feel that I have gradually inserted more comment about my life though for someone who doesn't know me, I should point out that I do go to work and do have a life beyond sport and food. Now that I come to think of it though, those two activities do play a major part in my life. Sport is both an acivity that takes up a considerable percentage of the day and also is an entertainment that I spend even more time watching. Even the gardening I do is orientated towards food production.(I forgot to mention that I ate the first of my plums yesterday). Most of the gardening seems to be just keeping things tidy- mowing the grass, cutting the hedges and sweeping the drive but as regular readers will know, I am planning to apply for an allotment as well.
I read in a review by Margaret Drabble that there was more tea consumed in the works of John Cowper Powys than anywhere else in English Literature. I wouldn't know about that, but although its not 'literature' perhaps I would like to offer John Harvey as a contender- especially the Ex Inspector Elder novels.
I am reading three books at the moment. The first is Kalooki Nights which I will struggle to read all the way through- its just too Jewish. Even the traditionally Jewish great writers such as Roth, Bellow, Heller, etc are never so pre-occupied with Jewishness as Jacobson. I think it would put off many potential readers. I am also reading the 'Natural History of Selborne' and a collection of interviews by Studs Terkel on the subject of death called 'Will the cicle be unbroken' which is of course background reading for my own major oeuvre. It is at times extremely moving as well as humorous.
So there you have it. Snippets about my life. It is of course a diary of my weght loss as well but I feel that those who wanted the private life should get in touch and tell me what they are up to- or post a comment.

Is that a joke?
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