Tuesday, August 01, 2006



August 1st.
I had missed the three earlier comments on my blog - apologies all round. I have identified The Food Police who unexpectedly pay you a visit if you fail to finish the food on your plate. StanandTel has (or have- are there two of them?) unusual gastronomic experience. I think if I had to eat bat I would prefer it roast. I could eat it with the remains of the ratatouille which I will need to finish soon or the Food Police will be coming round. There is no chance at the moment of consuming gone off icecream or anything else past its sell by date as the Blog Monitor has thrown everything iffy away--and a lot of other things as well.
I must call a halt to this as I feel you are not taking things seriously.
Squash yesterday. Lots of meat, salads, two eggs, four rashers, five pints. Help! I'll be wastinmg away. Oh! I forgot to mention the peach and two yogurts. Weigh day is tomorrow but I can tell you the trousers are definitely looser or perhaps they have stretched.
More letters in the Guardian concerning beans and tomatoes. There is no doubt that home grown beans are miles better than the ones you buy, and this year's crop is pretty good. They were watered every day during the recent heat wave and I suspect this the most important factor.

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