Monday, July 31, 2006



July 31st.
I am delighted, though surprised that I have received two comments on this blog. Although StanandTel may be answering the wrong blog by mistake, I thank them for their comments and the awful pun. Diarrhoea might lead to some dramatic weight loss, at first by fluid depletion, but in the long run is a bad way to lose weight. My plan is to demonstrate that weight loss can be achieved in a healthy and enjoyable way. Cancer would be another way of losing weight, but again is not to be recommended.
I maintain that ratatouille is a useful word; it defines very clearly a particular dish, made up of rather watery ingredients, very little carbohydrate and when cooked properly, delicious and filling, though that depends a bit on how much you eat. Glottal stops are a bit of a mystery; I probably use them without knowing it.
I'd also like to thank The Food Police for the suggestion that the wicker diet might be considered. Its very tempting but I am not desperate - yet.
The ratatouille gradually improved in flavour over the weekend, probably because of the addition of salt but some dishes do improve with time, particularly stews. It may have something to do with the release of flavours, whatever they are , from the ingredients. Don't bother to reply to that comment- I don't want to know. I have eaten a lot of meat, ham, beef and chicken, plus quite a lot of cheese and salad, a daily yogurt, a peach and a nectarine and a couple of icecreams over the weekend and went swimming each day. The outdoor pool was almost empty thankfully and there were no infants floating about in armbands blocking the swimming lanes. Today squash. Tonight beer( none strangely over the weekend)

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