Saturday, July 29, 2006



July 29th.
For unknown reasons I was overcome by drowsiness yesterday and took no exercise in spite of my best intentions. Perhaps it was due to all the lettuce or is that just a myth propagated by Beatrix Potter? I did cook a ratatouille for the weekend but I have to admit it is a bit disappointing and nowhere near the dishes I have eaten in France. The bacon and eggs was completely lovely and delicious however, as was the small steak I had later. One apple, one icecream and one yogurt. One fatman, you might think, but I do seem to be a bit thinner, or at least that's how it seemed after a swim this morning and before a lunch of roast chicken, beans without butter and ratatouille. The beans were purchased and were from Warwick and were a big mistake, lacking flavour and rather stringy.
My own beans would probably been enough but I was in a shop before I had a chance to check whether there would be enough for three people. In today's Guardian there are several further letters on the subject of runner beans and they all seem to agree with the views on the subject I gave you yesterday.( Who are you? Is there anybody out there?). In the same edition Marina Hyde bemoans the the fact that Madame Tussauds' has a model of Jolie and Pitt's baby. I thought at the time of the birth that the press was going overboard about getting pictures of the neonate; after all, who cares? I didn't care then and I don't care now. As it turns out I now know what the trio look like but up to today I was in blissful ignorance. He's too old to wear a baseball cap back to front but he looks very ordinary. She looks fairly ordinary too, except she has an unpleasant blemish on her left upper arm (self inflicted). The baby just looks, as you would expect, like just about a squillion other two month old babies.
Its all due to the modern curse of 'The Celebrity'. I'm not sure why I allow myself to get so grumpy about them but perhaps they serve a useful purpose in allowing me let off steam by howling and shouting with rage at the television.
More swimming tomorrow but probbly more beer tonight.

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