Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Bat in the Bedroom

There is still no evidence that this blog has any regular readers but for those that might be interested, this week's disappointing weight loss amounts to only one pound. At least it wasn't an increase. I blame a number of factors, the potatoes, the yogurts and the bat that came into my bedroom at 2.30 am this morning. It is not the first time they have come in and they must realise it is not the best place for a feed but it can take them a while to find the way out. My approach to the problem is to open all the windows wide, shut the door and leave the room in a hurry. The windows were already widely open when it flew in, so it's a bit off-putting for the summer months if I have to sleep with the windows closed. So what do you do when driven from your room in the night by bats? Your specs are still by the bed with the novel you had been reading and there is nothing worth watching on television except a film about a gastronomic tour of France which makes you feel a bit peckish. So you have a drink and yet another yogurt.
The first runners of the season were delicious and probably didn't need the slab of butter I put on them. Then there was smoked cod fillets fried with cheddar(seriously strong) and some salad. More exercise is needed.

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